Explore the best Car Respray specialists in Onehunga, AUK
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Everything you need to know about getting a Car Respray in Onehunga, AUK
Dented, scratched, dinged or paint damaged cars often need spray painting and a Car Respray. When there's serious damage to your paintwork it's often necessary to have panels on your vehicle partially or completely resprayed. A Car Respray is also often required to combat vehicles natural deterioration from age, where years of weathering, trees and birds have left the paintwork on your car looking faded or patchy. If you are looking to restore that classic car tucked away in a garage somewhere, a Car Respray is perfect for that too.
To properly complete a Car Respray the following must happen. First the repairer must dismantle and remove the part or panel, then sand it, add primer so the paint sticks, respray up to the several coatings, apply clear coat to seal, re-assemble and put the part or panel back on the car, and finally finish off with some polishing.
The colour and type of paint on your car makes a big difference to the Car Respray process. With some colours and standard paints a panel beater can simply paint the localised area of the car where the scratch or paint damage has occurred, this utilises Small to Medium Area Repair Technologies. If your car colour is metallic or a three layer pearl then more coats of paint are required and more extensive paint blending on the surrounding panels is required. Depending on the size or location of the required Car Respray, the price can vary quite substantially in order to return the car back to its perfect factory condition.
Looking for a Car Respray in Onehunga, AUK? Use the quick quote service on DingGo.com.au to get free quotes from our network of highly reviewed local car paint respray specialists.
Common Questions and Answers About Getting a Car Respray in Onehunga, AUK
How much does it cost for a Car Respray in Onehunga, AUK?
It depends on a few factors, including, the size of the panel, number of panels, and quality of paint needed. The average cost for a Car Respray in Onehunga, AUK can range from $250-$500 a panel. Why not let DingGo find you the Car Respray best price? Use our quick quote service.
How do you match the exact paint colour of my car?
Repairers use the VIN # to contact the maker of your vehicle and get the exact colour code of your car. Alternatively, if they have access to the vehicle, they use the paint code on your car, which can be found on the door jam of most modern vehicles. This paint code is then put into a computer that tells the repairer how to make the exact paint colour needed for respraying.
Repairers also use a bit of finesse make sure the paint colour is spot on and matched with the rest of the car as over time paint colours fade and therefore original colours might be too bright. That's the art of paint matching.